We have a busy church complex situated on the corner of Comries Rd and Bellmont Avenue right in the heart of Chartwell, close to Chartwell Shopping Mall and the growing suburbs of Rototuna and Flagstaff.
Our buildings are widely used by a variety of community groups as well as a range of Sunday services and church-based events and ministries.
All of our rooms have easy access for wheelchairs and can be supplied with trestle tables and chairs. The ample car parking area is well lit with an overflow parking area to the rear of the property for large groups.
Please contact the Office between the hours of 9am- 2.30pm if you wish to find out more information on our complex. Phone: 855 7434.

The Worship Centre
The Worship Centre can seat up to 200 people and is well equipped with a sound system and data projector. The comfortable seating can be arranged to suit your requirements. It is an ideal venue for services e.g. wedding ceremonies and seminars, ‘quiet days’ or retreats and lectures.

The Hall
The Hall is a large airy room that will comfortably seat 200 people but is also very suitable for events that allow you to move around unobstructed. We have several community groups that use this space for a variety of events e.g. indoor bowls, dance practice, Tai Chi, Mainly Music.
The Hall has excellent lighting and is heated during the winter and kept cool through summer with heat pumps and ceiling fans. There is a sound system and data projector available and easy access to a well equipped kitchen through a servery hatch. Entrance to this room is through the Hall Foyer which is directly accessed from the car park.

The Hall Foyer
The Hall Foyer can be used in conjunction with the Hall, or separately depending on your requirements. It will comfortably seat 30-40 people, has direct access to a fully equipped kitchen and has easy access to toilets, including a wheelchair access toilet.

Hall Kitchen
The Hall Kitchen is supplied with a complete range of crockery, cutlery, cups and glasses with provision for up to 200 people. There are two full ovens, a microwave oven, a zip for boiling water, and a steriliser unit for the dishes. A hatch/servery opens into the Hall and the Hall Foyer.

The Lounge
The Lounge will comfortably seat up to 40 people. It is bright and sunny and offers a space that can be used for smaller or more intimate learning groups. Double glass doors lead into an expansive dining/play area which adjoins a kitchen. The kitchen is supplied with crockery, fridge and an oven.
We have a varied and extensive catalogue of books in our Library to borrow. Please click on the genre type below to access the various collections.
We have numerous community groups who use our complex because of the convenience of the location, the quality of the facilities and the varying sized rooms that can be offered.
The list below are groups that operate independently from our church-based activities. Please contact these groups directly if you’re interested in what they have to offer:
- SeniorNet
Introduction To Digital Learning For Older Adults
Weekly on Tuesdays
Ph 021 226 4363 or hamseniornet2021@gmail.com - Pilates
Weekly on Wednesday mornings
Masako, phone 021 032 2088 - Chartwell Indoor Bowling Club
Weekly on Monday evenings
Richard Flint, phone 855 8009 - Chartwell Garden Club
First Wednesday of the month, evening
Anna, gardenclubchartwell@gmail.com - NZ Society of Genealogists- Hamilton
First Thursday of the month, evening
Third Monday of the month, morning
Christine, Convenor, phone 027 273 5663
Maureen, Secretary, phone 854 7477 - Chartwell Gold Club
Second Wednesday of the month, afternoon
Ruth Bridge, phone 855 6048 - Patchwork & Quilters Waikato
Second Saturday of the month
Fiona Shute, Treasurer, phone 027 424 1615 - East Hamilton Friendship Club
Second Wednesday of the month, morning
Ian Bridge, President, phone 855 6048, irbridge@xtra.co.nz - University of the Third Age (U3A)
Third Wednesday of the month, morning
Bob Wilcock, phone 021 0414848 or email: hamiltonnzu3a@gmail.com - Dementia Waikato
First Monday of the month, mornings
Phone 929 4042 or email info@dementiawaikato.org.nz